



著者:大畑 拓己,西原 陽子,山西 良典

概要:Having foods considered nutritional balance is important for both physical and mental health. Due to the change of lifestyle, people often have lunch and dinner at restaurants and buy foods at markets. The nutritional balances of those tend to be not good. This paper proposes a food recommendation system for supporting the nutrient balance. Users of the proposed system input logs of foods that they have ate. The proposed system calculates intake nutrients and energies, then recommends foods that support to adjust the nutrient balance. We had evaluation experiments with the proposed system. The proposed system could support users to adjust the nutrient balance.

書誌情報: 人工知能学会 インタラクティブ 情報アクセスと可視化マイニング研究会(第21回) SIG-AM-21-01, Pages 23 – 28

